Wednesday, April 27, 2011

just life ...

I haven't posted in awhile because we have been super busy with friends in town and then family and I leave on  my very first toddler free vacation tomorrow. ok - i am taking the babe but leaving the difficult one behind. I am excited. I am going to Chicago to visit my sister, meet her Cypriot boyfriend who is visiting from Cyprus and hang out with one of my best friends and her cute little man. It is so hard to pack to go to the Midwest in April. It is supposed to be 45 one day and then 70 the next - what the hell am i supposed to bring to wear? what do babies wear in the cold? much easier to live where it is 90 every day and you just throw a tshirt on the kids. I can't wait to do some good shopping , eat some good food and sleep in past 6:30! Our flight leaves at 6 a.m. - why did I ever pick that flight time? why do i need to be in the city by 8 a.m. - i don't usually like to be awake by then, let alone on the other side of the country. I am crossing my fingers that everything goes as planned and the the Mackman is a good traveler and that Dashy doesn't miss me too much(or I don't miss him too much). Hope everyone is having a good week : )

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